Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School

Plaistow Hill Infant and Primary School

Everyday my daughter is very eager to tell me what she has learnt and is always excited to be going to school

Year 2 Parent

  • "Staff are kind, calm and encouraging - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Children flourish in an environment of genuine warmth and care - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Pupils in Key Stage 1 are confident, listen to each other, share and take turns - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Parents and carers praise the work of the school - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "One parent expressed the view of many with the comment 'the atmosphere and attitude of all the staff is incredible' - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "The outdoor learning environment is used effectively to help children co-operate with each other and practise their number knowledge and skills - Ofsted, April 2022"
  • "Pupils are happy at Plaistow Hill Infant and Nursery School - Ofsted, April 2022"
Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School Life at Plaistow Hill Primary and Nursery School

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Reception and Year 1

Welcome to Hedgehog Class

The teacher in Hedgehog Class on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday is Mrs Karen Hyams. Mrs Sobti teaches the class on a Wednesday.



Mrs Hyams and Mrs Sobti are supported by experienced teaching assistants, Mrs Elaine McCrorie and Mrs Davies.



We have a lovely area for learning, the children are able to access the classroom, conservatory and outside area during child-initiated learning. We access the outside area during all weathers so please ensure that your child has a pair of wellies and a waterproof coat in school.

We do P.E. on a Tuesday and a Thursday, on P.E. days children can come into school wearing their P.E. kit. We ask that you try and read at home with your child three times a week and record this in their purple reading diary, this will help them earn their Reading Champion badges.

We follow Development Matters, first of all focussing on the prime areas of development, before working on the specific areas and then the Early Learning Goals. Practical, fun and engaging tasks are planned for the children to access during their play and when working with an adult.

We follow the United Learning Curriculum, please see our long-term planning below. 

Reception long-term plan

Year 1 & 2 curriculum map


Please find some useful links for helping your child to learn at home.

How to pronounce Read Write Inc. sounds

White Rose Maths

If there are any other resources that you would like us to provide on the website please let Mrs  Hyams know.